Tecno Calubert, S.L. is a commercial company of Spanish nationality with registered office in and Fiscal in: C/Lluís Companys, 118, Local Izquierda, 08810 , Sant Pere de Ribes.
Tecno Calubert, S.L. (onwards, Tecno Calubert y/o Calubert). The domain name www.tecnocalubert.com is registered in favor of Tecno Calubert, registered in the CIF:ESB60245974 .
Users of this website can contact Tecno Calubert through the following channels:
Ordinary mail: C/Lluís Companys, 118, Local Izquierda, 08810 , Sant Pere de Ribes.
Telephone no .: Landline, international 0034931188277 / Smartphone, international 0034639335284
E-mail: calubert@tecnocalubert.com. calubert@calubert.com.
The contents of this website are merely informative in nature of the professional services that Tecno Calubert offers its clients at all times.
The user of the website, by accessing and browsing it, undertakes to use it in accordance with current legislation at all times and the conditions established in this legal notice, morality and generally accepted good customs and public order. The user will respond to Tecno Calubert for any damages that may be caused as a result of the breach of said obligation.
Accessing and browsing this website implies accepting and knowing the legal warnings that are included here. The mere access does not imply the establishment of any type of commercial relationship between Tecno Calubert and the user.
This legal notice may undergo modifications of any kind when Tecno Calubert deems it necessary or in order to adapt to legislative changes and / or technological advances that may occur in the future.
Tecno Calubert may prohibit access to this website by any user who performs illicit conduct.
The user of this website must refrain, in any case, from deleting, altering, evading or manipulating any protection device or security system that may be installed in it..
All the contents present on the Web, understood by these by way of example and not limitation, the texts, images, photographs, sounds, files, logos, source codes, color combinations, or any other elements, as well as their structure and design, The selection and form of presentation of the materials included in it and the computer programs necessary for its operation, access and use are subject to the intellectual property rights belonging to Tecno Calubert or to third parties, so the user may only use them for your exclusive personal and private use and undertakes not to use them for commercial purposes or to their exploitation, distribution, reproduction, public communication, use of reverse engineering technique, or to modify, alter or decompile them without the corresponding prior authorization of the owner and by written unless it is legally permitted.
When connecting to the Tecno Calubert website, the server where the website is hosted, automatically recognizes both the IP address of the user's computer as well as the day and time of entry and exit and the contents of our website that the user has browsed. It is necessary that the Tecno Calubert, S.L. know all these data because you have to be able to communicate with him to send him what the user requests through his browser and to be able to see it on his screen. Now, neither the server nor any member of Tecno Calubert, S.L., can know any of the user's personal data if he or she has not freely and consciously provided them.
If the user is a minor, it will be necessary for them to have the prior consent of their parent / s or, where appropriate, their legal representative / s, before providing their personal data to this website..
The purpose of the collection and automated processing of users' personal data is to provide the information and / or manage the services requested from Tecno Calubert, S.L. Who, likewise, can send you (also electronically) any type of commercial or advertising information of the Company that it considers of interest to you.
The use of this website is done at the user's own risk. Tecno Calubert is not responsible for the misuse that the user may make of this website.
Tecno Calubert is not responsible for any errors or omissions that this website may suffer, nor will it be nor can it be held liable for any damages arising from the use of the website or for any action taken based on the information contained therein. .
Tecno Calubert does not guarantee the absence of viruses or other harmful elements that could cause damage or technical alterations in the user's computer systems, electronic documents or files. Consequently, Tecno Calubert is not responsible for the damages that such elements may cause to the user or to third parties.
Users who intend to establish a link ("link") between a Web page and this Web site must meet the following conditions:
• The link must be absolute and complete, that is, it must take the user to the URL of the site www.tecnocalubert.com and must completely cover the entire length of the main page.
• The Web page where the link is established will not be able to create a “frame” on the Tecno Calubert pages.
• No misleading, erroneous or unfair indication may be given about the Tecno Calubert website.
• Nor may it contain illegal content, contrary to morals, good customs and public order.
In any case, the Web page on which the link is established must request express written authorization from the owner of the Web Site.