It was born in 1989 in San Pedro de Ribas Barcelona with the policy of bringing the maximum technology and quality of its products to your homes and / or companies, for this reason we have acquired the commercialization for all of Spain of the Casit factory of reduction motors, such as the manufacture of barriers, access controls, etc.

Tecno Calubert offers:

  • R+D+I programs for electronic equipment, such as cells, control panels, receivers, transmitters, etc.
  • Custom software.
  • Electronic Components and Custom Electronic Equipment.
  • Development of new technologies tailored for your company.

Since we know that today continuous training, both from the point of view of recycling and the acquisition of new knowledge, is a real reality in the ever-changing world of the industry, in such a way that those who are not permanently informed about the normal evolution of the technique, is called to be out of date in the sector of his profession.

We do not want this to happen to our clients, so we have a team always working on R + D + I for our clients with state-of-the-art technology. As a service we highlight the development of new technology tailored for your Company.