Functions for compacting machinery with three cycles (each cycle consists of one forward and one reverse) with two STOPs, one open (NO) and one closed (NC), with slowing and anti-crushing in forward and reverse, internal limit switches and dead man. NOTE: the internal limit switches are by ammeter, if the automation is in bad condition, the internal limit switches will act, if this happens the automation will have to be corrected (for safety it would act as anti-crushing) with an optional receiving card and transmitter. With alternative pushbutton, cycle pushbutton, Man Present pushbutton. 1st. Function: MI1 giving an impulse, the automation will start to do the automatic cycles, with an acceleration ramp, it will count a time.
El objetivo de las políticas de seguridad informática es proporcionar a todo el personal de una empresa también como a los usuarios que acceden a sus activos de tecnología e información los requisitos y pautas de actuación necesarios para protegerlos. Asi
Todos sabemos que el comercio electrónico es un sector en crecimiento dentro de la economía española. La facilidad para adquirir todo tipo de productos a través de la red o de dispositivos móviles está haciendo que se incrementen el número de ventas. Y la
Nada de cuanto se recoge en la presente política de devoluciones afectará a sus derechos legales, a los que se añade el derecho de desistimiento.
Functions for compacting machinery with three cycles (each cycle consists of one forward and one reverse) with two STOPs, one open (NO) and one closed (NC), with slowing and anti-crushing in forward and reverse, internal limit switches and dead man. NOTE: the internal limit switches are by ammeter, if the automation is in bad condition, the internal limit switches will act, if this happens the automation will have to be corrected (for safety it would act as anti-crushing) with an optional receiving card and transmitter. With alternative pushbutton, cycle pushbutton, Man Present pushbutton. 1st. Function: MI1 giving an impulse, the automation will start to do the automatic cycles, with an acceleration ramp, it will count a time.
Functions for compacting machinery with three cycles (each cycle consists of one forward and one reverse) with two STOPs, one open (NO) and one closed (NC), with slowing and anti-crushing in forward and reverse, internal limit switches and dead man. NOTE: the internal limit switches are by ammeter, if the automation is in bad condition, the internal limit switches will act, if this happens the automation will have to be corrected (for safety it would act as anti-crushing) with an optional receiving card and transmitter. With alternative pushbutton, cycle pushbutton, Man Present pushbutton. 1st. Function: MI1 giving an impulse, the automation will start to cycle automatically, with an acceleration ramp, it will count a time already programmed, ending with a slowdown, reaching the end of the opening stroke. This function takes precedence over all functions with the exception of STOP. 2nd.Function: STOP Here there are two types of stop, total stop or stop, as long as the automation is in operation both in closing and opening when pressing MI4 or MI5, the automation will stop immediately or stop. MI4 is an open contact when this contact closes it will make a stop (it is used for the digital keypad, or accessories etc.), MI5 this contact is closed when it opens it will make a stop (it is used for pneumatic bands, infrared band or radio active) Note: if the bands are not used, a 24v bridge will have to be made to MI5. This function prevails over all functions. 3rd. Function: MI6 No Function in this Software * 7: 1st. Function: Manual explanation: by pressing MI1 or the control button, if any, the advance will start reaching the pressure limit switch or at the end of the time already programmed by the user and will stop the advance automation and give the signal to the automation It will do three automatic maneuvers and it will not be possible to stop until the three cycles are finished, it will only stop with STOP, waiting for the MI1 pulse to be given to restart the 3 cycles. This option will be called Automatic cycles. Present man: Explanation. To make use of the present man, it means that we will have the forward MI2 or backward MI3 pressed for the automation to start working, when the button is released, the automation will stop working. Keep MI2 pressed until you want to stop the advance motor. Keep MI3 pressed until you want to stop the reverse motor. Note: The present man does not jump by amps nor does he have work time since he is controlled by the sight of the person who is acting on the Present Man buttons. ::: Warning :::: Do not act on the dead man pushbuttons if the compactor is in automatic cycle, that is, in operation we must press STOP and the compactor will stop, from this moment on, is when we can act on the Man Present pushbuttons. :::: Warning of danger ::::: Do not enter the compactor without pressing the STOP, since as it works in automatic mode, it could start its cycles and cause death by crushing. Take into account this high security paragraph.