Solar Tracker Program
Solar Tracker
Program for Solar Trackers with 2 motors 220Trifasicos (R, S, T,) this software is designed to move two independent motors, One will turn from right to left and the other from up and down, The adjustment is 6 directions in solar time They can be adjusted by the user to their needs. Every day they will do the same program and it will be automatically according to the sun's opposition, even though the days are longer or shorter. All the parameters can be adjusted on site. The solar tracker At the end of the sunlight it will collect to the east while waiting for sunrise and will make the 6 turns to the west. If for any consequence the solar tracker gets out of control by moving it by hand and does not adjust to the correct path at the end of the solar DIA,
El objetivo de las políticas de seguridad informática es proporcionar a todo el personal de una empresa también como a los usuarios que acceden a sus activos de tecnología e información los requisitos y pautas de actuación necesarios para protegerlos. Asi
Todos sabemos que el comercio electrónico es un sector en crecimiento dentro de la economía española. La facilidad para adquirir todo tipo de productos a través de la red o de dispositivos móviles está haciendo que se incrementen el número de ventas. Y la
Nada de cuanto se recoge en la presente política de devoluciones afectará a sus derechos legales, a los que se añade el derecho de desistimiento.
Solar Tracker Program
Solar Tracker
Program for Solar Trackers with 2 motors 220Trifasicos (R, S, T,) this software is designed to move two independent motors, One will turn from right to left and the other from up and down, The adjustment is 6 directions in solar time They can be adjusted by the user to their needs. Every day they will do the same program and it will be automatically according to the sun's opposition, even though the days are longer or shorter. All the parameters can be adjusted on site. The solar tracker At the end of the sunlight it will collect to the east while waiting for sunrise and will make the 6 turns to the west. If for any consequence the solar tracker gets out of control by moving it by hand and does not adjust to the correct path at the end of the solar DIA, it will be collected
Solar Tracker
Program for Solar Trackers with 2 motors 220Trifasicos (R, S, T,) this software is designed to move two independent motors, One will turn from right to left and the other from up and down, The adjustment is 6 directions in solar time They can be adjusted by the user to their needs. Every day they will do the same program and it will be automatically according to the sun's opposition, even though the days are longer or shorter. All the parameters can be adjusted on site. The solar tracker At the end of the sunlight it will collect to the east while waiting for sunrise and will make the 6 turns to the west. If for any consequence the solar tracker gets out of control by moving it by hand and does not adjust to the correct route at the end of the solar DAY, it will be collected and waited for dawn and will begin with the entire programmed route. This equipment, both the software and the hardware, can be fitted to any solar tracker, taking into account that the reduction motors have to be 220Volts double turn or triphasic to 220Volts. If you are followers of a single engine you can also use this software.