LM7001: Direct Frequency PLL Synthesizers
LM7001: Direct Frequency PLL Synthesizers
• The LM7001J and LM7001JM models are PLL frequency
Synth LSI for tuners, allowing you to do
easily high-performance AM / FM tuners.
• These LSIs are software compatible with the LM7000,
but it does not include an IF calculation circuit.
• FM VCO circuit includes high speed circuit
Programmable divider that can divide directly.
• Seven reference frequencies: 1, 5, 9, 10, 25, 50 and
100 kHz
• Band switching outputs (3 bits)
• Controller clock output (400 kHz)
• Clock time base output (8 Hz)
• Serial input circuit for data input (using CE, CL.
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Todos sabemos que el comercio electrónico es un sector en crecimiento dentro de la economía española. La facilidad para adquirir todo tipo de productos a través de la red o de dispositivos móviles está haciendo que se incrementen el número de ventas. Y la
Nada de cuanto se recoge en la presente política de devoluciones afectará a sus derechos legales, a los que se añade el derecho de desistimiento.
LM7001: Direct Frequency PLL Synthesizers
• The LM7001J and LM7001JM models are PLL frequency
Synth LSI for tuners, allowing you to do
easily high-performance AM / FM tuners.
• These LSIs are software compatible with the LM7000,
but it does not include an IF calculation circuit.
• FM VCO circuit includes high speed circuit
Programmable divider that can divide directly.
• Seven reference frequencies: 1, 5, 9, 10, 25, 50 and
100 kHz
• Band switching outputs (3 bits)
• Controller clock output (400 kHz)
• Clock time base output (8 Hz)
• Serial input circuit for data input (using CE, CL.