TALPA The bollard has the function of limiting access to pedestrian areas or small perimeters.
The bollard has the function of limiting access to pedestrian areas or small perimeters.
It has the same resistance as that developed from impact with a vehicle and is easily and quickly removable from
The plinth of the foundation.
Bollard sizes are 200mm in diameter, 4mm thick, and 500mm high.
The bollard has the function of limiting access to pedestrian areas or small perimeters.
El objetivo de las políticas de seguridad informática es proporcionar a todo el personal de una empresa también como a los usuarios que acceden a sus activos de tecnología e información los requisitos y pautas de actuación necesarios para protegerlos. Asi
Todos sabemos que el comercio electrónico es un sector en crecimiento dentro de la economía española. La facilidad para adquirir todo tipo de productos a través de la red o de dispositivos móviles está haciendo que se incrementen el número de ventas. Y la
Nada de cuanto se recoge en la presente política de devoluciones afectará a sus derechos legales, a los que se añade el derecho de desistimiento.
TALPA The bollard has the function of limiting access to pedestrian areas or small perimeters.
The bollard has the function of limiting access to pedestrian areas or small perimeters.
It has the same resistance as that developed from impact with a vehicle and is easily and quickly removable from
The plinth of the foundation.
Bollard sizes are 200mm in diameter, 4mm thick, and 500mm high.
The bollard has the function of limiting access to pedestrian areas or small perimeters.
It has the same resistance as that developed from impact with a vehicle and is easily and quickly removable from
The plinth of the foundry.
Bollard sizes are 200mm in diameter, 4mm thick, and 500mm high.
It is composed of:
- A cylindrical machined tube in Fe360 (with a diameter of 200 mm) treated in two ways that protect it from atmospheric agents Electro galvanize - Anti-scratch paint based on Anthracite silicone
- A locking device and a gas spring to open the bollard.
- A system fortress in hot galvanized coating.
The standard installation foresees an excavation, proportional to the force that the bollard has to withstand, in which the system is drowned.
Alcazar in a concrete plinth. The dimension of the concrete base must be studied to allow the bollard to withstand the requirements
impact force. A reflective adhesive strip with a high glossy response, which allows the visibility of the deterrent in the night hours.
Weight Weight Kg 75, Height of the deterrent mm 500