KITSOLAR, Composed: Solar panel, batteries, inverter, Inverter panel, Regulator. You only need to connect a motor to act as a reducer such as water pumps etc. The calculation is designed so that no accumulators (batteries) are placed, it works while there is sunlight. Various models from 0.5CV, 1CV, 2CV, 3CV. This KITSOLAR For motors can be reducer motors, hydraulic motors or hydraulic groups, compressor motor or compressor groups, any motor that its connection is to 220 three-phase or three-phase motors that its connections can be varied from star to triangle or vice versa. Maximum power 2250 Watts Minimum power 1 Watt to 25 Watts. EXAMPLE OF USE: For irrigation, For moving machinery.
El objetivo de las políticas de seguridad informática es proporcionar a todo el personal de una empresa también como a los usuarios que acceden a sus activos de tecnología e información los requisitos y pautas de actuación necesarios para protegerlos. Asi
Todos sabemos que el comercio electrónico es un sector en crecimiento dentro de la economía española. La facilidad para adquirir todo tipo de productos a través de la red o de dispositivos móviles está haciendo que se incrementen el número de ventas. Y la
Nada de cuanto se recoge en la presente política de devoluciones afectará a sus derechos legales, a los que se añade el derecho de desistimiento.
KITSOLAR, Composed: Solar panel, batteries, inverter, Inverter panel, Regulator.
KITSOLAR, Composed: Solar panel, batteries, inverter, Inverter panel, Regulator. You only need to connect a motor to act as a reducer such as water pumps etc. The calculation is designed so that no accumulators (batteries) are placed, it works while there is sunlight. Various models from 0.5CV, 1CV, 2CV, 3CV. This KITSOLAR For motors can be reducer motors, hydraulic motors or hydraulic groups, compressor motor or compressor groups, any motor that its connection is to 220 three-phase or three-phase motors that its connections can be varied from star to triangle or vice versa. Maximum power 2250 Watts Minimum power 1 Watt to 25 Watts. EXAMPLE OF USE: For irrigation, For moving machinery.
KITSOLAR, Composed: Solar panel, batteries, inverter, Inverter panel, Regulator. You only need to connect a motor to act as a reducer such as water pumps etc. The calculation is designed so that no accumulators (batteries) are placed, it works while there is sunlight. Various models from 0.5CV, 1CV, 2CV, 3CV. This KITSOLAR For motors can be reducer motors, hydraulic motors or hydraulic groups, compressor motor or compressor groups, any motor that its connection is to 220 three-phase or three-phase motors that its connections can be varied from star to triangle or vice versa. Maximum power 2250 Watts Minimum power 1 Watt to 25 Watts. EXAMPLE OF USE: For irrigation, For moving machinery that carries three-phase or mono-physical electrical equipment, Compressors for fumigating fruit vegetables etc. Hydraulic groups such as presses in the field for the extraction of oils, resins ETC. With this KITSOLAR it will not be necessary to have electricity at the point where the KITSOLAR is already manufactured by the KITSOLAR, The accumulators can also be charged in the Rec outlet. With a vehicle charger, smart chargers, or standards that already exist in the market. Bulbs can be placed for lighting in caves, farms, poorly lit areas ETC. Its autonomy will depend on the accumulators or batteries that are placed. FOR MORE INFORMATION DO NOT HESITATE TO CONTACT US WE WILL BE HAPPY TO ADVISE YOU